Grand Theft Auto Pakistan also known as GTA Pakistan is a Third Person Shooting, ActionAdventure and Open World PC Game. This game is a total conversion of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and not considered in official Grand Theft Auto Series..

Grand Theft Auto Pakistan is created by simply modification of GTA San Andreas by using cleo modifications and other tools to modify cars/vehicles, maps and roads.
This game includes Pakistani cars, flags, roads, some Pakistani buildings like Habib Bank Limited (HBL) and a mosque (masjid) also where you can also offer prayer to make gameplay as real Pakistani.
Every Pakistani loves to play GTA Pakistan because millions of Pakistanis have spend their childhood in playing GTA. If you ask  from any Pakistani that which is your favourite PC game,  their answer will be that GTA Pakistan is our  favourite PC game. One of the reason of the popularity of GTA Pakistan  among the Pakistanis is that in Real GTA Pakistan they can  drive local Pakistani cars like mehran. In this game the player can also pray Salah which is one of the most interesting and unique feature of GTA Pakistan. in Real GTA Pakistan the play can also see local Pakistani Banks  like HBL Pakistan

To be very honest I have spent my thousands of hours in playing GTA Pakistan and I have completed all the missions of GTA Pakistan.The reviews of GTA Pakistan are very good and this is highly recommended game.One of the best feature of Real GTA Pakistan is that while playing this game you will enjoy the local Pakistan environment.
This game is edited and developed by Usama PC Games and Osama has worked very hard in order to add  new features to this game.He has spent almost three years in developing this game.I hope you will enjoy this game and please share your experience about this game with your friends and family friends.This will give huge confidence to Osama PC Games. Inshallah soon Osama PC Games is going to release a new version of Real GTA Pakistan.
While playing this game the player can also enjoy the culture and environment of Pujab and Karachi because the vehicles that every Punjabi Person uses in their daily life are addes in this game.In other words I can say that Pakistani touch is added in GTA.If any one of you want to see more Pakistani cars,Mosques,Banks and many other Pakistani features in this game you can contact Usama PC games.We will try our level best to send reply to the visitors of Usama PC games.
Indians will also enjoy this game because the culture,roads,cars and other vehicles of both the countries are very similar.

You can download full version of GTA Pakistan for free for PC from the link given below with highly compressed setup and working direct download link and you can even play this game as GTA Karachi, GTA Lahore City, GTA Quetta and GTA Islamabad. You can also play this as GTA India as indian cars/vehicles or  GTA Punjab.

                                      TO ENJOY THIS GAME  SPECIAL THANKS 

                                                                      REHAN PC GAMER 

GTA San Andreas Pakistan Cars Vehicles Pakistani Flags

toyota corolla in gta san andreas pakistan

Pakistani building in GTA San Andreas Pakistan

Masjid Mosque Prayer Namaz in GTA San Andreas Pakistan

Daewoo Coach Bus in GTA San Andreas Pakistan


  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows  XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7/8/8.1/10
  • PROCESSOR: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2 GHz OR Above
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • HARD DRIVE: 6.5 GB
  • VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GeForce 6 Series OR Above                    


                                                DOWNLOAD MEDIAFIRE LINK CLICK TO    



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